大连软件公司,大连软件开发,大连软件外包,大连网络传真 » Archivers » ERP名词术语集续(三)
K字母 | ||
kitting | 配套出售件 | |
L字母 | ||
low-lever code | 低层码 | |
logistics | 后勤保证体系 | |
lean production | 精益生产 | |
least slack per operation | 最小单个工序平均时差 | |
lot sizing | 批量规则 | |
lot size inventory | 批量库存 | |
lead time | 提前期 | |
lead time offset | 提前期偏置 | |
lot-for-lot | 因需定量法 | |
live pilot | 应用模拟 | |
M字母 | ||
move time | 传送时间 | |
make-to-order(MTO) | 定货生产 | |
management accounting | 管理会计 | |
management information system(MIS) | 管理信息系统 | |
minimum balance | 最小库存余量 | |
management by exception | 例外管理法 | |
modular BOM | 模块化物料单 | |
measure of velocity | 生产速率水平 | |
maintenance,repair,and operation supplies | 维护修理操作物料 | |
material management | 物料管理 | |
material review board | 物料核定机构 | |
material manager | 物料经理 | |
material available | 物料可用量 | |
Modern Materials Handling | 现代物料搬运 | |
manufacturing BOM | 制造物料清单 | |
manufacturing executive system (MES) | 制造执行系统 | |
master production schedule(MPS) | 主生产计划 | |
master scheduler | 主生产计划员 | |
N字母 | ||
net change | 净改变法 | |
net requirements | 净需求 | |
netting | 净需求计算 | |
O字母 | ||
order policy | 定货策略 | |
order point system | 定货点法 | |
ordering cost | 定货费 | |
overhead apportionment/allocation | 间接费分配 | |
overhead rate,burden factor,absorption rate | 间按费率 | |
option | 可选件 | |
open order | 未结定单 | |
Optimized Production Technology(OPT) | 优化生产技术 | |
P字母 | ||
ploicy and procedure | 工作准则与工作规程 | |
planned order receipts | 计划产出量 | |
planned order | 计划定单 | |
planned capacity | 计划能力 | |
program evaluation research technology (PERT) | 计划评审技术 | |
planning horizon | 计划期 | |
planned time fence(PTF) | 计划时界 | |
planned order releases | 计划投入量 | |
planning BOM | 计划物料单 | |
proposed cost | 建议成本 | |
picking list | 领料/提货单 | |
parent item | 母件 | |
Pareto Principle | 帕拉图原理 | |
production cycle | 生产周期 | |